Missing scouts

I had 2 scouts disappear from my roster. How do I get them back?

First, check the roster at my.scouting.org to make sure there are still listed there. If not, you need to contact your Council registrar. If they are on the roster at my.scouting.org, post their BSA Member IDs (no names) here and we will investigate.

Here are the BSA member numbers

@ElizabethPociask we have setup a sync for them - check back after 4pm Central and they should be back in pack - not in a den

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Hello- I am having a similar issue- I have scouts in my.scouting.org that have been not synced over. Can you help me? They are not in Scoutbook.

Pack 149, NE GA, Cherokee

the first one I ran a sync to fix overnight - the second one is in Den 1 @JayleneKatt

I appreciate your help

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