Multiple accounts not created by user but are being used to record advancement

This covers several issues.

  1. I have an adult leader who has well over 50 accounts that she did not create therefore cannot remove them.
  2. Same adult is getting notifications that people are using her account to sign off on all sorts of advancement. She is seriously stressed as she is not working with the youth.
  3. The accounts are from all over the US
  4. The council that she paid in, mine, while they have the receipt, can no longer find her.
  5. And as of yesterday, that she knows of, she is even being assigned as a person that solves scoutbook issues, commissioner in other councils, etc.
    Could someone please help us get this resolved? Our council has put in a request, but clearly something has gone badly wrong. She should only have one account, and that is with my council.

And I forgot to add, she no longer has any sign on information or ability.

And scoutbook has attached her BSA id# to other councils, not ours.

We need the BSA Member ID to investigate

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BSA ID# 13771141
Should be with Middle Tennessee Council

She has one Scoutbook account. She needs to log in using the ID lptb0120131.

I see 3 BSA Member IDs and 3 IDs for her based on her name and date of birth.
North Florida Council: 137150248
National Capital Area Council: 13677207
Middle Tennessee Council: 13771141

She can log in to, go to MENU → Manage Member ID and add the NFC and NCAC BSA Member IDs to her profile as secondary.

She says that when she tries nothing shows up at all.

She is a committee member in Crew 1 but is not connected to any Scouts in Scoutbook.

What does she mean nothing shows up at all?

It says the member id information doesn’t match the profile information for the National Capital Area Council. She says that if you look under Aimee Thomas or Aimee Bowman you will find an amazing amount of accounts that are supposedly hers, but are not. How does she get rid of all the ones under her other 2 names?

She should be connected to about 200 scouts that she is working with right now.

She did manage to get North Florida attached to her MTC account

Under her name on scoutbook it says MTC, under actual profile it is showing Puerto rico

Her son, Thomas Bowman is no longer connected to her either.

Still cannot get North Florida to attach.
She wants you to know that she is getting a multitude of emails every day saying that she is signing off on things that she is not doing. The other 2 names I gave you are sending her emails, but it is not her. Can you do anything about those?

Scoutbook does not send e-mails saying something was signed off. Where are these coming from?

we are trying to figure it out - we think she is creating accounts somehow

Please contact your Council. We are not able to help you.