Multiple Membership Issues

Issue #1: Transferred scouts to troop, then they got added back to the pack. Message in the troop membership record is “|Added in the UI by User 5529110|| Ended by SB-2874 clean up script for membership that was not on recharter that runs on Apr 19 2021 8:49AM”

Message in the Pack membership record is “AkelaSBDeltaSyncInsert”. This record also has a date of 3/20/2021, almost a month after they were transferred to the troop.

Scout IDs are: 133378677, 133641597, 13478896, 134320425, 133379661, 133641621, 133380050

Issue #2: Bear den leader was removed and no longer has leader access. Scout ID is 136106942.

It sounds sorta like the scouts were never actually transferred in terms of records with council. When you write “they were transferred to the troop”, do you just mean in Scoutbook, or were they transferred using either the paper youth application or electronic transfer tools in If it was just in Scoutbook, that doesn’t effectuate an actual transfer of the scouts, and must be preceded/followed-up by a transfer application of some form so that the official rosters are reconciled.

The Scouts were never registered in the troop officially - you need to submit applications or use the my, tool for Pack Leaders or parents

Issue #2 - that BSA # has no registered positions and I do not immediately see another account

The Cubmaster is going to do the transfer via He confirmed that he did it only from scoutbook.

For issue #2, do we need to fill out some other paperwork or something in as well? When I try to add the adult as a leader in scoutbook, I search by the associated email address and scout ID and it says no results found.

While on the phone with Cubmaster, he asked about approving an application. We have one pending, but he is not able to approve the application. Where is the approve button on the application system? I guess this issue #3 now.

#2 - all leaders have to have YPT and Submit an application for a background check

#3 - if it is an Adult Application Unit Leader cannot approve it - COR is the approver

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Are you saying that #2 did not submit the proper adult leader form and is not YPT trained? If so, if the adult leader form online? I know how to find the YPT training.

@BrianHasslinger Scout ID is 136106942 has no registered leader positions - she has to fill out an application

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