I have a Scout in a Troop and an AOL in a Pack. I am linked to and can see my elder Scout in the Troop. My younger AOL Scout is listed on my dashboard but it doesn’t appear that I am linked to him or his Pack. Where is the disconnect and, how do I fix?
@TodHazlett you are connected to both as parent - not sure what you exactly mean by not linked to scout or pack - on your dashboard under My Family do you see both scouts
Good morning,
I see both on my dashboard but, I am not linked to the pack for my AOL, see screenshot.
OK let me take a look
OK here is the issue - AOL Scouts do not really work in SB - they are in advancements.scouting.org now - that is why the unit does not show up there
Thank you very much for that information. Should I stop using the other SB then; is SB being phased out for SB+?
well advancement for cubs is in SB+ (advancements.scouting.org) now - but cub awards (which are very limited now) are in old SB - all older program items are in old SB currently other than calendars
Is it just me, or does that seem grossly inefficient? Thanks for the information.
Tod Hazlett
BSA is in the process of transferring all functions to SB+. It just takes time to get everything moved.
Tod Hazlett
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