My membership has different renewal dates in different units

I am registered with a pack and a troop. As cubmaster, the pack is my primary unit, and the unit I registered with first. My membership is old enough that it’s one of the ones due at the new year. Last year the pack paid my renewal and the troop just kept me on.

When I became one of the Key 3 with the pack the council moved me into my position and it changed my membership renewal with the pack to be in May. At the troop and as a MB counselor my membership still showed a January renewal.

Is there a way to make the pack and troop dates sync up, the January date is correct. The hiccup is that now the troop paid my renewal so it’s causing the treasurers to be unhappy, and nobody wants unhappy treasurers.

@NicoleFranklin if it is all the same council - have a talk with council registrar for a fix

I have reached out. It sounds like so many units are needing help with recharter that my issue is not getting much traction.