My Troop uses TroopMaster 2.0 but now I can't import into IA

We have used TroopMaster for several years and have always been able to import into Internet Advancement. The last time was just a few months ago. Now I cannot import the exported roster txt files because I get an error message: “Advancement import file must be a pipe-delimited text file.”
I don’t even know what that means. HELP!

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@LindeLiu - my first guess is that you are on an older version on TM and need to update it if you wish to continue using it

We are using TroopMaster 2.0 and haven’t received any notification of upgrades.

Well I can only suggest you ask their support, as this is a national BSA forum which has nothing to do with a third party solution.

I understand. How can I get the roster properly updated? We had one Scout leave, and another one transferred to another Troop but they still appear on the IA roster. (We don’t have this issue in TroopMaster.)

Well you have to think about BSA Charter - Scouts stay on it till you recharter - TM has nothing to do with it as it is unofficial. Any new scouts if their application has been submitted and processed by council will appear on IA, best way to check that is a K3 to check Member Manager in @

“pipe” is a alternative name for the “vertical bar” character.

The vertical bar character (Decimal 124 in Unicode and ASCII 1967) is often used as a delimiter character where other common delimiters such as a tab, comma or space may be a data character. (For example, “Last name, first name, middle name”.)

(I suspect the used of the word “pipe” character instead of “vertical bar” is from the common use of the vertical bar on unix-based computer systems to separate commands in a command pipeline statement.)

Although it is possible to convert the delimiter-separation character by using a spreadsheet tool or computer program, the order of some data or its presentation may also need to be converted.

@LindeLiu - are you trying to post a recharter file into internet advancement? Sorry but that is not the place for that action. You should go to internet recharter to see if a file import is accepted there.