National Outdoor Achievement Award (Camping) Odd Behavior

My daughter’s National Outdoor Achievement Award (Camping) showed some odd behavior. It showed something like 80% done. So, I clicked to see what she had left. It then marked itself completed 11/13/22 by me (I didn’t) and “Leader Approved” as of today 11/13/22 by “BSA Administrator”. The date, though, of completion is 8/12/22. It seems that she completed it 8/12/22, but me opening it triggered the auto complete? She is BSA ID 135751465.

It seemed to do all of that automatically, but it didn’t mark off the next 2 25 nights of camping automatically.

It looks like all of the underlying requirements were marked as completed and approved, so the Scoutbook code rolled up and marked the award as completed and approved overall.

The gold devices do not have any requirements marked off yet – they aren’t linked to the camping log.

Yes, but I had to open the award for that to happen. I didn’t think that was the design or it’s it for these “non-core awards”?

It was related to a recent change:

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