National Outdoor Awards Tracking

Resurrecting threads from various sources:

Most importantly:

It’s well document expanded logging is in the development roadmap “somewhere™.” Good to know … that’s all fine and dandy. I understand extra logging is a “new” feature which requires additional Dev time.

My main question is why Rank and Merit Badge Advancement are not already smart-linked to the NOA Awards in the same manner as the World Conservation Award was back in 2017.

The data for Rank and Merit Badge completion already exists in the database. Cross-referencing the dates of completion could / should / would be relatively simple.

I built a similar tool in Google Sheets to track NOA Awards. As our Troop’s NOA coordinator, it requires 200 - 300 hours three times per year before every Court of Honor to cross-reference all the logs (which don’t exist outside our personal Troop Dropbox) in addition to the Rank and Merit Badge Advancement which ALREADY exist in Scoutbook. This is simply for NOA tracking; over and above the workload required from our Advancement Chair.

My heart leapt with joy when Scoutbook was released nationwide. Yet, four years later, excepting the smart-linking of the World Conservation Award, we’re still investing the same workload of “all it takes is 1 hour per week to be a leader” to make sure our Youth are receiving credit for all of their Achievements.

Disregarding logging of various hours and miles, is there any path to improvement for Rank and Merit Badge Advancement on the roadmap whatsover?


The same applies to smart-linking the “Emergency Prep BSA 2014 (Soucts BSA)” – the pocket pin, not the Merit Badge:

  • Requirement #2: Earn the First Aid or Emergency Preparedness Merit Badge;

Complete Angler – “Earn the three Fishing related Merit Badges:”

  • Fishing Merit Badge
  • Fly Fishing Merit Badge
  • Fish and Wildlife Merit Badge
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