I can no longer find the Summertime Activity Award even listed under Cub Scouts Awards (as something to be earned - those who have earned it have it in their history, of course.) I wonder if this is a foreshadowing that the award is being discontinued??? I don’t remember seeing that anywhere.
@JudyHolcomb Where are you not seeing the National Summertime Pack Award?
I see the National Summertime Pack Award in both the link just above your post and at https://www.scoutshop.org
If I click on any of the cubs in any of the dens, then select that cub’s awards,as if I want to enter an award. I can see the Summertime Awards that cub has been awarded in the past, but I do not find the award in the list with a blank checkbox to be entered for the current year or to open up to look over the requirements.
Judy Holcomb
Sorry I wasn’t clear. It comes from having deleted the first part of my comment before I posted it. I am talking about I no longer see it in SCOUTBOOK. Yes I still find references to it on BSA websites and can buy it at the store - but I find no ability to enter the award into the Cub Scout’s records using ScoutBook.
@JudyHolcomb - you are talking about the National Summertime Award correct. What month is it now ? They would level or move up a Den in June, which would then add the next level of summertime award.
This is what I see on a Cub Scout’s Awards page for a Scout in a Bear den:
If you do not see this, then I would check your connection to the Scout and the Scout’s Membership pages.
@JudyHolcomb By any chance are you using Internet Advancement 2.0? The url would look like:
I go in through Scoutbook, not the Internet 2,0 portal. Whatever the issue was seems to have mysteriously “cured” itself. Up until about 4:30 CST I could not see the entry for the Summertime pack award (just like the screen shot you captured) nor the Cub Scout Outdoor Activity Awards above that. But suddenly everything is back. Don’t know why or how but doesn’t matter. All is right again in Scoutland. Thanks for the help!
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