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We can only fix issues when only 1 BSA Member ID has an active registration. When active registrations are on 2 or more BSA Member IDs, the Council first has to fix the registrations so that they are all on a single number. After that is done, we can fix Scoutbook.
I have a similar problem with one parent who is both the Tiger den leader and a Tiger Parent. The account the Parent has is linked to his YPT and additional training, but he can’t see his den because that is listed under the other Den Leader #. Can these two identities be merged? He’s been trying to get this straightened out for several months now. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Tiger Den Leader # 14031102
Tiger Parent # 137386836
I had two member ids merged and solved here before…but sounds like we have to go to council which means it will not be resolved till summer, if ever. Which means that person can’t in function their full capacity online as den leader or advancement chair.
We have regular issues with registration and they are never really ever resolved after asking our council – it is basically a dead end (at least in our council).
@MikePierson I have done what I can to fix your adult leader’s Scoutbook access. However, he still has registration issues that we do not have the ability to correct.
You might need to wait overnight for his position to sync over into Scoutbook.
I am having the same issue with a den leader. The number I have on my roster is 12912318 but her YPT training is under number 14634950. Can these be merged?