Need to merge duplicate scoutbook accounts

Hi, We’ve been slow to migrate to Scoutbook and have only recently started the process for our Pack. We have a number of Pack leaders and parents who appear to have two separate BSA membership numbers and under separate Scoutbook acocunts and we are stumped at how to resolve this. I For those with duplicate BSA #, I have asked them to go into to ensure they’ve assigned the correct BSA account as their primary. After that, what is the next step as I still see two separate Scoutbook accounts for them? Do we need to manually delete duplicate scoutbook account tied to the secondary BSA#? And in case there is any important info tied to that BSA account, if we delete that scoutbook account, does that automatically delete the BSA account link to that scoutbook account? Just want to make sure we don’t inadvertently delete any important info in that BSA account.

So for example, our current den leader has the following two SB accounts and BSA accounts: BSA# 128520211 (Scoutbook user ID 12085231)/ BSA# 134889965 (Scoutbook User ID 4344509). The first one is what is on our pack’s official registry and appears to be the one he was successful logging into scoutbook recently. The second one is I think is his old one. How do we get those merged on Scoutbook or get the old one removed?

many thanks,

@MichaelPak if you post the BSA#s of the Accounts that need to be merged together we can take a look at them

Here are all the ones where we have duplicate accounts. thanks

  1. 28520211 and 134889965
  2. 135776250 and 133889506
  3. 132597592 and 135776205
  4. 135776236 and 13076954
  5. 136714762 and 137172516
  6. 128059544 and 134700952
  7. 12590529 and 134700940

Does not exist in Scoutbook. Please check the MID.

This user actually has 3 MIDs. I have merged the SB accounts and set his ID to point to MID 135776250 which is his registered MID.

I suggest contacting the Council to have them merge MIDs 133889506 and 12414145 into 135776250

He needs to log in to Scoutbook with his e-mail address, omitting

Sorry, my bad. That was a typo; missed the first digit. That should be BSA account #128520211 and 134889965 that need to be merged.

This one is fixed. I recommend contacting your Council and asking them to merge 134889965 into 128520211.

These are merged. User needs to log in with his ID that is his first initial last name. I set MID 132597592 as primary on this ID.

These are merged. User has 2 IDs and msn email address. Either can be used to log in to Scoutbook. Have user check his Scoutbook e-mail by going to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → E-Mail to make sure it is set as desired.

Council should be able to retire MID 13076954

These are merged. The user needs to log in with ID which is the first 4 characters of his last name followed by the word eagle.

The addresses differ in his Scoutbook and IDs. He should check them and correct the one that is wrong.

These are done. now points to 128059544. The ID is the portion of the e-mail address before the @.

There is only a SB ID for MID 134700940 but the registered MID is 12590529. I have switched Scoutbook to point to this MID. The user should log in with first name last name

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