Needs Approval Report Not Working with EDGE Browser


I have no idea what would cause that. Do you have a yellow triangle next to your name on your Scoutbook Roster?

Do your Roster membership number and your Scoutbook membership number match?


@EricHart Try re-setting your Pack Admin role.

  1. Go to your Pack Roster page in Scoutbook.
  2. Click on your name.
  3. Click on your Pack Admin role.
  4. Make sure the box is checked next to “Position Approved”.
  5. Click Update.

Then log out of Scoutbook and log back in.

I cannot click on my name.

[picture removed by Moderator for privacy]

When I have another admin go into my profile, they cannot add or remove me to anything. All the buttons are gone

@EricHart You might need another Pack Admin to re-set your Pack Admin role for using using the steps I provided above.

@EricHart - it would be easier to read if you did a screen capture rather a photograph of the screen.

@EricHart In Scoutbook, try going to:

My Account → My Positions

Click on your Pack Admin role and make sure the box is checked next to “I agree to join the unit leader roster”. You might need to repeat this for all of your positions / roles.

This is my profile from another admin account. The buttons to add additional permission to my profile have disappeared

I’m not able to click on anything. Why does my tenure show zero days?

Sorry, The other user is using a Mac it is not trained on how to make screenshots. I’m able to open up the snapshots and can see the details.

Nothing is clickable and all of the buttons to adjust profiles are missing. I’m also no longer able to approve any scout except for my kids

If someone would like to do a WebEx and give me a call I can show them what they need to know. Something is happened to my profile that it’s has become uneditable.

It’s weird, but it’s almost acting as though you’re no longer a registered scouter for some reason. If you check your account at, does your current unit scouter role show up as active? Similarly, does the BSA ID there match with what’s in your Scoutbook profile?

How can we expedite this issue as our Cubmaster is out of the country and I need to be able to approve all the advancements tomorrow in time for our next pack meeting?


I have requested a position sync for you. It should go into effect later this afternoon.

Looks like the developers fixed this. Well done.

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