New Advancement Report

Continuing the discussion from March 12, 2021 My Scouting Change Log:

Today I ran the new district-level Scouts BSA Advancement Report for the period 1/1/21 to 3/31/21, but I get significantly different results compared to what my registrar provided using the old DAR (which he ran today for MTD March). For example, new report shows 12 Eagles YTD in our district, but the DAR shows 8. Same story across all ranks and in the merit badges.

I also noticed that the report does not honor the date range entered on the Organization Manager - Reports page. No matter what date range I enter I get the same YTD and MTD values. If this is by design then no harm done, but it might be helpful to clarify that for the users.


The report developers are asking for a copy of the DAR and the username that was used to run the advancement so they can investigate.

I’ll send you a private message so you can provide this data. Look for a green dot with number on the purple circle with white K in the upper right corner of your forum window.