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When searching for a parent via Name or Email, there are no results. However, when I try to create a new user, I get the following:
“We found at least one user with the same first and last name. Please review the search results above to see if the user already exists.”
Any ideas? I see from searching there was past “issues” but could not find anything that was recent.
Well if the parent is already a parent in the unit you can use Connection Manager in Roster to add the connection - then go to the connection and check the Parent check box
The most reliable workaround is, if the parents have a my.scouting.org account, is for them to log into Scoutbook with their ID and PW, navigate to My Account → My Connections then click the “Connect to Scout as Parent/Guardian” near the top of the page. The parent will need the Scout’s BSA Member ID, last name and date of birth to connect.
If the parent does not have a my.scouting.org ID, they should create one then use the process above.
Alternately, you can ask your Council to add a connection between the Scout and parent in Registrar Tools. About 24 hours later, the Scout & Parent will be connected. The parent will still need a my.scouting.org ID to access Scoutbook.