New parent cant log in

I have a new parent who tried to log in with the invite that was generated by scoutbook. She tried and kept getting an error
We tried together and when I looked at her profile it says she has a BSA # but when I asked her id she created an account she said no.

Can you help so she can access her account ?

Her name is Lorena Rosero

Member # 12245545

Bsa # 14140754

TIA, Connie

We found an error in at least one of the e-mails that is sent. The auto generated User Name was cut off. Make sure she is using SBUser12245545 and the password in the e-mail.

The system is supposed to force her to enter a new User Name and password the first time she logs in.

Thanks Ed I think we tried that but try again

Thank you, Connie

It did not work- said invalid log in or password

Any other ideas?

Thank you, Connie


There is a typo in the Member# you posted. Since I just copied it, she tried to log in with the wrong ID. The correct ID is SBUser12345545

It still gave the error message. What else can we try?

Thank you, Connie


The ID is SBUser12345545 not 12345545

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Ohhh my goodness I am so sorry. I see now!! We will try that.

Thank you, Connie

We tried the correct username and still got the same error message.
What can we do next?

Thank you, Connie

Any suggestions on how we can solve this for her?
Also when we try forgot username password it comes back no account

It also has a BSA# for her and she never created an account.

Her name is [name removed by Moderator]

Member # 12245545

Bsa # 14140754

@ConstanceGonsalves can you re-invite them?

No the option is not there to do that.


We will request a password reset for the user.


The password has been reset. Click on your avatar in the upper right corner of your forum window to access the private message containing the new PW.

Thank you so much for the help!! we are in!


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