Parent Unable to Log-in

I have a new parent where the scout just transferred in from Cub Scouts this month. He says he has been unable to log in for a few months now. Scoutbook shows his last log-in as 5 months ago. He said he tried the “Forgot username/password” mechanism and it doesn’t recognize him. He also tried the other login types and they didn’t work either.

The scout’s information is below:
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

The father is the one having the issues. It also looks like the mother might need to have her accounts combined.

He thinks it may be related to the fact he had a leadership position in the Pack previously that may have expired/been removed and he is now “just” a parent.

Thanks for any help you can give.

The father has a user name (Shortfirstname)(Lastname) - council can help reset password if needed

His response to that is below:

I’ve tried that. I also tried using the username to reset the password. It said if the username was valid, I would get an email to reset, but I never got one.

Also I am using the email address that is assigned to the account to talk to him. Just this morning I did a cut and paste from the profile assigned to the kid’s account to email him so it isn’t a problem related to that. I also just asked him to check his spam folders, just in case that is playing into it.

@JamesSoltysiak council can reset the email for the user

OK thanks, I will have him email the registrar at council.

i meant the password

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