New Parent Connection Notification

How is the notification set for when parent completes a new scoutbook to unit leader? When a new parent completes the connection to their scout in Scoutbook, I have random Den Leaders not associated with the Scout or Den that get notified of the connection. How do I change who is notified when a scoutbook connection is completed?


I believe all of the pack admins receive it.

But several of the ones receiving it are not pack admins. They are just den leaders qnd have no association with the scout or den that the scout is in.

When you look at the scout’s connections in Scoutbook, are the den leaders on that list? If so, what permissions do they have?

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The den leaders in question are NOT connected to the scout in Scoutbook at all. I just checked the list of connections.

Please provide the mid of one of the scouts and the mid of one adult who received it.

Scout MID: 140981009

Adults Who should NOT of received it:
MID: 10308474
MID: 13909773
MID: 13755047


The commonality I see between those adult leaders is that they all have den leader and/or den admin positions that are not assigned to a den. If you add them to the proper dens, you could put an end date on the positions that aren’t assigned to dens.


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