New primary id bug

I thought this got fixed have a scout with this in ia2 blank blank has created a new primary member ID which is active in another unit. blank blank will remain on this roster until their council registrar completes their transfer process or their annual registration for this unit expires.

id #

I’ll look into this one, look at your direct messages.

Internet Advancement 2.0 Report Issue-I upload the data from Troopmaster, but one scouts info. doesn’t print on the advancement report to present to council. The info is there and actually populates under his name on the roster, but when I try to print the report it claims he’s not part of the unit. He was a cub in another council with a Scoutbook account, but I’ve looked on Scoutbook and he has the correct id/new location. Please help!

Does the scout appear on the roster in IA2 ( or just in the Scoutbook roster ( I would probably start by having one of your unit Key 3 (SM, COR, CC) or someone else with access (e.g. Key 3 Delegate designated in Organizational Security Manager) check the official roster at to make sure that the scout is actually on the roster.