Scout disappeared after recharter

We had a new scout join in fall, 2022, and he was included in our troop recharter in February, 2023. In, he appears on the troop roster. However, in Scoutbook and in Internet Advancement, he does not appear in either roster. Our Virginia Headwaters Council staff could verify that he was included in recharter, but could not resolve the issue we have with him being missing in the other two apps. We also have an extra scout appearing in the other two, even though he turned 18 last year and was not included in our recharter. Email to gave me a reply referring me to the Scoutbook forums. If anyone knows how to get Scoutbook and IA rosters synced with the official roster, or how to report such errors to BSA staff who can correct them, I would appreciate hearing from you.


Post the Scout’s BSA Member ID (No names) and we will investigate.

His BSA ID number is 12690937.

That scout is in T79 in Scoutbook

This scouts profile got messed up - I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green dot with a number 1 > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)

I’ve been told that is the official roster, and there he appears as:
**************** 12690937 Youth Member M
Obviously, Scoutbook uses a different database from my.scouting. If my.scouting is the official one, how do I get that data updated into Scoutbook?

It is all fixed now @ECarruth

Troop 998 - Transatlantic Council - has a Scout that disappeared from their Scoutbook roster. Can you please see if they can be put back on? Confirmed on my.scouting roster. I am thinking someone ended their membership in Scoutbook accidentally. MID 13838696. Thank you.


I’m looking into this for you

Since he was registered in another Council until 1/31/23, when that membership ended, the system changed his BSA Member ID to that of the other council.

I have fixed his accounts and you should see him back in your unit.

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Thank you very much!

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