No Longer Have Access - due to expired YPT?

Hello! I signed in to Scoutbook today and noticed that I no longer have permission to enter Advancements, even though I am the Pack Advancements chair. I have an email in to the Committee chair to see if he can help. In the meantime, I realized my YPT expired and I’m currently in the process of completing it. Could that be the reason??? Any help is appreciated. I’m kind of freaking out because I need to enter, get Advancements, and get ready for tomorrow!!! Ahhhh! :slight_smile:

Try resetting your Pack Admin role:

  1. Go to the Pack Roster page in Scoutbook.
  2. Click on your name.
  3. Click on Pack Admin.
  4. Make sure the box is checked next to “Position Approved”.
  5. Click Update.
  6. Log out of Scoutbook, then log back in.

Also, it appears that your Unit Advancement Chair role expired with recharter, so you will want one of your pack’s Key 3 (Cubmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) to redesignate you by using the Organization Security Manager at my.scouting. (Roles designated by using the Organization Security Manager expire at the end of a unit’s charter year and have to be redesignated.)

Thanks! I do have Pack Admin listed under my name.

Yes, have you tried resetting it?

I’m not seeing where to click on Admin

@BridgetHujsa - you need to be in not IA2


That picture is from Internet Advancement 2.0 – not Scoutbook.

I’m so confused…any chance someone could post screen shots?

I think I got it…hold on a second

I figured it out…thank you everyone!!!

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