No longer showing as Trained

Am I remembering correctly that once you are position trained, you are considered trained even after updates are made to the training? Or am I just confused about that?
I completed all training for Den Leader (and Cubmaster) back in 2017, but my pack was told at recharter that they would need to apply for a waiver to the council training requirements because I was not position trained.
I know that Hazardous Weather has been causing some people to not show up as trained and thought that might be my problem since it DID expire last week, but I corrected that problem yesterday and I am still not showing as position trained for my Den Leader role, and my ASM role is fine.
Our district training chair has cited a number of CS19 modules as the reason I am not considered trained.

My questions are:

  1. am I still trained? (assuming that I was fully training in 2017)
  2. should I expect to still have the “Trained” icon, or does council need to look that up some other way?
  3. if I SHOULD have the “Trained” icon, would taking some of the modules in the new version after having completed the old version invalidate that?
  4. if a council wants to say that leaders need to have the current version of training, is that a choice that is up to them?


@ChristyDryden from what I understand you are not trained - cause both your Den Leader and Cubmaster positions lapsed. Once they lapse old training are no good so you have to take the current trainings (something like that)


Lovely. Is that detail listed anywhere? Since I couldn’t find documentation of the grandfathering policy even being a real thing, I’m guessing maybe not?

Our pack was quite small at that time and so we all had to wear multiple hats and which one we officially registered as bounced around from year to year. So it sounds like, by taking my turn as cubmaster, I lost my training completions for den leader, but when I went back to that role the next year, people just shrugged and said “I can see that she did the training. Must be a glitch”?

My understanding is that the grandfathering only applies as long as you are registered in the same position. If you switch to a different registered position or if your registration expires / lapses, then the grandfathering no longer applies.


Youth facing leaders (cubmaster, den leaders, and their assistants) now also need to have an up to date Hazardous Weather training (expires every 3 years) or they loose the trained leader status

Emphasis added

My SCO_800 shows a 2-year validity period, not a 3-year validity. Was this a recent change, or a typo?

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Typo. It’s every TWO (2) years.

I think that the change was introduced last year but it’s now enforced in the reporting since this months.

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It’s been 2 years since the class code became SCO_800 several years ago (2017 maybe? That’s the oldest record in my district)

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My situation is not related to Hazardous Weather. I’m also an ASM, and that one displays the Trained badge. Both roles should be impacted if I didn’t have a valid Hazardous Weather.

Based on other responses, it looks like I’m no longer considered Position Trained since my time as a den leader was interrupted and you’re only grandfathered in for a long as you are continuously serving in the role. If you leave and come back you need to do the new training.

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FWIW my training status went to “no” and it was Hazardous Weather impacting it. I took the course again and later confirmed the status was now a “yes” again. I’ve been in my role going on 3 years and I downloaded all the certificates for the list of “position required” and all those various certs and classes list “never expires” as the expiration. My advice is go to this doc:

Then go to here:

Then click “show all with history” in the upper right. This will list all your training ever.

Then go to the bottom where it shows “10/page” an drop it down to 100/page which for me was enough that all my training history was on a single page.

Then tedious as it is, search using ctrl-f in the browser for each training code listed as required for your role. If you find it, and it shows “Never expires” - click the little dot, then go to the top and download the certificate. Save that.

Do that for each of your trainings. Then you’ll have the official certs if ever needed AND you’ll probably find the issue (as I did with Haz weather). One of the many little units is probably missing or expired. Once you find which, you can take just that (those?) specific unit(s) and probably get back to good.

Since my role’s training is 192 minutes long (3.2 hours) this ended up saving me nearly 2 hours vs. brute forcing back through the entire training.

@MikeW You should be able to log in to your my.Scouting account, and then:

Go to “My Training”.
Click on the “Requirements” tab.

It will show you the courses that you need / have taken based on your registered position(s). Most of the modules will say “never expires” (as long as you stay registered in that position). But some will have an expiration date (although some councils require YPT to be renewed every year).