No ScoutBook Support - How do we resolve duplicate ScoutNet numbers? now replies to my Emails that they are no longer offering support to volunteers. In the past, when our Merit Badge Counselor upload reported there was a duplicate ScoutNet MemberID, I would send an Email to, and they would resolve the problem. The error message even says to ‘…contact Member Care if the ID needs to be corrected in ScoutBook’
I have used this in the past to correct these problems. But now, my email gets a ‘We no longer support volunteers’ response and points me to our local council for support. Well I am that local council support and I need their assistance in correcting this problem. I even tried sending the request from a BSA Email address, and got the same response. So how do we now resolve these types of issues???

Greg Buchanan

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I would recommend trying to go through your council Registrar, and see if they can resolve the issue.

My Council Register has not one clue about Scoutbook, IA2.0, or the mobile app. She always tells us to contact Scoutbook support.

I would probably reach out to whomever your “supervisor” is at council (e.g. council commish), and ask them to find out whether or not the Council Scout Exec has received instructions on how to reach out to Scoutbook support. Explain that direct volunteer contact with support has been eliminated as of 1 September (which I would hope they already know), and that you’re trying to execute your tasks on council’s behalf. Explain why you can’t do that without being able to reach out to support. At least, that should get you the information about the proper pathway. Maybe it’s you → council commish → Deputy Scout Exec → Support, and back again. If you’re the council Scoutbook champion, maybe the issue is that council needs to designate you somehow as being the “approved” point of contact from council.

Likely, the council professionals and volunteers don’t quite understand what is coming down the sewer in their general direction, now that Nationals has fobbed support off on them. It should be educational, if nothing else.

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