No Scouts Appearing in Scoutbook

Hi everyone!
My son’s Pack made the transition to Scoutbook about this time last year. I was Secretary at the time and became familiar with Scoutbook. Since covid hit before my son and den could official cross over into Scouts BSA, we didn’t move anyone into their Troops yet. I still have admin access to the Pack Scoutbook. (That’s really all background.) Another parent who is hoping to take over Scoutbook duties set me a message earlier this week. She said that she couldn’t message anyone even though she has administrative privileges. I finally had a chance to log in tonight to see if I could fix something. Imagine my surprise when I saw that we had NO scouts on our roster. Zip. Zero. Zilch. We have the adult leaders, but all of our dens are showing as zero. I’m having an anxiety attach over here. What happened??? I can’t even cross over our AOL den to troop now.
Thank you in advance for the help!

First, I would recommend having one of the pack’s Key 3 (Cubmaster, Committee Chair, or Chartered Org. Rep.) log in at (my.Scouting Tools) and check the Member Manager to see which Cub Scouts are on the pack’s official roster.

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