Not able to access Activity Logs from Scoutbook

Hi, I am not able to access the Activity Logs from Scoutbook either with “Quick Entry” (Pack or Den level) or for an individual Scout. This feature has worked for me in the past (last time I used it was probably a month ago). I get an error telling me I have been logged-out due to inactivity. I can, however, login to the legacy dashboard at without an issue.

On a separate but probably related note - I am also unable to open the Reports Menu from Scoutbook.

(I am a Den Leader/parent, and also help with Scoutbook so I have access to the full Pack.)

You need to be a Key 3 or Key 3 Delegate in the Security Manager to access the activity logs.

Ask your Cubmaster or CC check in the Security Manager to add you as a Key 3 Delegate, and you should be good to go.

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