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I logged in yesterday to add some camping nights for some scouts for my troop where I am COR delegate and ASM, but I could not. It appears only Key 3, Key 3 delegate (but not COR delegate) and Advancement Chairs can enter this information.
I had den leaders today try to add camping nights and hiking for scouts just in their den, and they could not enter it. I’m CC for the Pack and was able to.
It appears that there’s a disconnect between the functionality and the information on this page
According to that page, ASM and Den Leaders have the ability to create personal activities, create unit activities, join unit activities, and approve activities. For ASM and DL, they cannot create an activity and add anyone to it.
Also as a parent, I could not create a personal activity - when I goto create an activity for the troop, it goes to the screen to create a unit activity because I’m an ASM.
Same issue - I recently took up role of service coordinator but cannot add people to events (see screenshot). It’s not me, because our scoutmaster also no longer can add people to events (camping events, service events). How to fix?
I have found a workaround, by creating the event and then adding people through the roster instead. It doesn’t matter that much anymore that the blue ‘add people’ button doesn’t work.