Not on official unit roster - error message on ALL ADULTS in unit

I had that symbol my own troop for both the scouts and adults. It goes away once the recharted for the Troop is processed unless an adult is not fully registered in the Troop.

For the record, this issue is present for both the troop AND the pack that I’m a part of, both of whom I’m positive are up to date on their recharter.

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There is a bug. It has been reported to the developers.

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Well, I guess I’m not alone. And we rechartered on time with no raised issues or concerns. That yellow warning symbol is appearing for every scout and leader for my Pack (1853). PLUS half my dens lost one of our den leaders and one of my dens lost both. And it’s the AOL den that’s trying to put in all the achievements so the boys can move to Troops in a few weeks. Please help!


As stated further up in this thread, this is a known issue that has been reported to the developers. Just ignore the :warning: for now.

What about my suddenly missing leaders? Even when I try to ‘Add Leader’ in each of the den profiles, it cannot locate them by name, email, or BSA ID.

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Post the BSA Member IDs (no names) and we will investigate.

THANK YOU! :slight_smile:

  • 14220182
  • 14245331
  • 14415091
  • 4978820
  • 13934442


14220182 is fixed. The system swapped his BSA Member ID in Scoutbook to his old one in another Council. Positions will sync later today.
14245331 is fixed. The system swapped his BSA Member ID in Scoutbook to his old one in another Council. Positions will sync later today.
14415091 is fixed. The system swapped his BSA Member ID in Scoutbook to his old one in another Council. Positions will sync later today.
4978820 is registered as and listed as an Assistant Den Leader in SB. You need to update his membership to assign him to a den.
13934442 is registered as and listed as a Den Leader in SB. You need to update his membership to assign him to a den.

Here’s a weird wrinkle…

On the Troop landing page, the Scouts Not In A Patrol (SPL, ASPLs) have the “Devil’s Triangle” (love it, and will use it), but when I open the full Troop roster, they are showing as synced.

On full Troop roster, all adults have the DT.

Godspeed on the fix

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@edavignon - I don’t think I know how to ‘update his membership’ because when I click “Add Leader” the system still cannot find him. Is there a different way to access his account?

Find them on your pack roster page and add position. @NohaMostafa

That didn’t work for 4978820. He is (was) listed in SB in my roster as the correct position. I thought if I ended his membership and tried to re-add him it would work. Not only did that not work, but when I try to find him in the system again, there is no record of him. Now what?

I learned from this and was able to reinstate 13934442 role by deleting the end date that was added in there for ‘recharter’. So at least his is fixed. But how do I get my first guy back?


Go to the DL’s page in SB, select Membership, click +Add then add another DL position associated with the correct den (note for Tiger and Webelos den leaders you must select Tiger Den Leader or Webelos Den Leader). After you create the new position with the den, edit the old position and add an end date.


This is a known issue.

I’m sorry if I’m not explaining myself well. I cannot locate him at all in Scoutbook. He shows in MyScouting but not in SB. When I click on his child’s profile, I see him as a connection, but if I try and edit his profile, it takes me to ‘Internet Advancement’, where I can do nothing.

Can someone with higher access in SB just add him to my Pack and I’ll assign him to the appropriate den?

I thought it was a feature! It would be good to have some indication that Scouts should be in patrols and Cubs should be in dens.

@NohaMostafa I have requested a position sync. He should be back on your roster in about 12-24 hours.

I sincerely appreciate it. Thank you.

As of this morning, 3/9/2023, everything seems to be back to normal. :slight_smile: MANY THANKS to whoever fixed this bug!