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I am getting strange results when I run the OA Eligibility Reports for Troop 463 in the Atlanta Area Council.
When I run the report, one of the Scouts who is a candidate is being listed as members. As a result, he are not listed in the camping nights list. The Scout is (removed by Moderator).
I have checked his profile and it shows the date of his election as a candidate. The other boxes are blank.
@CharlesOlson - first thing… you may want to redact ALL of the scout names include the scout in question in your post. Second, if the scout is elected, that sets the scout as a member pending ordeal as I understand it. If they do not attend ordeal then you back out the election date.
The report is running correctly if elected and not ordealed - OA had ended the ordeal deadline with covid would have to check if that is back in effect now - just clear the initial election date
That’s the way I understood it was supposed to work but what is happening is that some candidates are listed as Existing Candidates Scouts BSA while the Scout in question is the only candidate who is showing up in the Order of the Arrow Members section. When I ran the report a few weeks ago, the same thing happened to some different candidates so something odd is going on in the background.
While normally I would redact in a screenshot, in this case the only information contained in the OA Eligibility Report are names, which is considered directory information; no other PII is shown. I wanted the members of the SUAG to see the full report.
Scouts who were elected in 2022 were given 24 months in which to be inducted so if they were elected in March of 2022, their eligibility runs until March of 2024. The 18-month rule was not retroactive; it only applied to candidates who were elected on or after January 1, 2023. (I am in charge of unit elections for my Lodge and I confirmed that the new Rule was not retroactive with the National Chairman right after it was announced.)
If this is just a situation where the programing would be too complex to deal with these variations of eligibility, I get that. However, there is another 2022 candidate who shows up on the candidate list and Sundberg shouldn’t be in the member section.
Did you check the “OA member” toggle in the candidate’s profile? I had a couple whose toggle “got switched” prior to their ordeal. It confused the heck out of me until I figured out what had happened (which happened when they completed their ordeal, and I went in to set the toggle and enter the ordeal date).