Is there currently a way to track any items for Order of the Arrow, such as election, call out, ordeal, brotherhood, and vigil dates?
If a scout is elected to the OA, but does not complete his Ordeal within one year, is he still a member?
We had several scouts who were elected last year. They have not completed their weekend ordeal, so I understood they had to requalify. But when I ran an eligibility report this year, they did not appear.
In order to get them to reappear on the eligibility report, you would have to remove their OA Election Date.
Hi, Marilyn,
You are correct. Ordeal candidates must complete the ordeal within 1 year after their election in order to become OA members. If they don’t complete the ordeal in that time period, they must qualify again and be re-elected in the subsequent year’s election cycle.
If you didn’t enter an election date, it’s possible that the scouts fell out of eligibility. The required 15 nights of camping minimum (5 long-term minimum + 10 short-term minimum) looks back at the 24 months prior to the date of the “current” election (or the date you run the eligibility report).
ETA: Italic text edited to correct my misunderstanding of your question.
My question is sort of related…once we’ve gone in and entered all of the data for our Arrowmen into Scoutbook, how can we use that information? It’s neat that it shows the sash on their profile, but what else can we do with it?
For instance, is there any way to send a message to OA members, both youth and adults? This would be VERY helpful for promoting OA events. Is there any way to generate reports, such as OA members who have completed their Ordeal and passed their ten months, and are eligible to consider Brotherhood?
YIS, Mike
Michael - as I recall the resource available to lodges would be lodgemaster as the utility for such things.
Thanks, @Stephen_Hornak. We’re interested in using this at the troop level, to promote OA activity just within our troop.
I don’t currently have access to the Lodgemaster system, although I’m aware that it exists. I suppose it doesn’t hurt to ask for access. We would primarily want to use it to know which of our Scouts are OA members, as well as adult OA members, so we can promote events internally. I know the lodge sends out emails directly, but I suspect there would be a lot more participation if we had active coordination within our unit.
The Feature Assistant Extension for Chrome and Firefox can produce an OA Member Report. It also has the ability to create custom e-mail groups so you could create a group for your OA members.
Thank you, @edavignon, I will check it out!
In my opinion, a browser extension is not the ideal way to handle basic functionality like this, but it is better than nothing, and I am very appreciative for the time and effort that has been invested in creating the plugin.
We agree that the functionality in the extension should be in native Scoutbook. We are hopefully that these features will eventually be added to Scoutbook but for now, we are fortunate to have someone that is able to create the extension.
Barring any extreme circumstances (medical, etc…)Typically you have one year from the date of election to complete your Ordeal. If you do not complete in that amount of time you must be re-elected to try again.