Official roster updates for new year

Just curious: How long after 1/1 before the official roster updates? Not looking for an official answer - more of a “usually it takes about…” I understand that it’s not a hard timeline.

@CharlesSemple what specifically are you looking for an update in?

This is very different from past years. It isn’t a “now the new roster” type of thing like in the past. It is based on each individual renewal.

I’m looking at the official roster at my.scouting. We have completed our 2025 certificate, but our official roster still contains people that were dropped during the recharter process.

Matt, I’m not sure that’s correct. I’m very aware of how it’s being done now, but the my.scouting roster is usually pretty close to real time. People who were dropped during recharter should not be on the official roster.

Nope. You can’t remove people. Not like in the past. The closest you can do is “opt them out”.

They will hang on for the 60 or 90 day grace period.

You can’t drop people at recharter. There is no functionality to do it.

They are 2 different transactions as well.

So the “official roster” that BSA provides on My.scouting is going to contain inaccurate information, like people that are no longer associated with the Pack/Troop? I’m sorry, but I have a real hard time understanding that.

Well, it isn’t such an “all or nothing” roster anymore and I can understand it is hard to understand. So, it is not inaccurate; it is just very granular. I haven’t memorized all of the different status types (renewal status, registration status, renewal order status). It will contain Scouts and Scouters in their grace period, those opt-ed out, and those who have renewed. You will have to look at the column headings to understand.

Those that opt-out or the unit opted-out: Renewal Order Status N/A & Renewal Stauts Opted Out.

Those that were renewed: Renewal Order Status Completed & Renewal Stauts Current.

Those that are in the grace period: Renewal Order Status N/A & Renewal Stauts Eligible to Renew.

A roster is supposed to be simple tool. What you’re describing is something that I’m going to have to export to Excel, and spend my own time cleaning the data in order to make it useful. So how many years will someone who’s left the troop continue on our roster as “opted out” or some other category? Thanks for your response, but that’s truly the way it’s going to work going forward, I’m very unimpressed with this change.


Like I said above, they will hang on for the grace period (90 days currently?). I assume they will fall off after that point.

@CharlesSemple - and you will have members now with different expiration dates and the system on now subscription based not calendar year as recharter had been. So in effect recharter no longer exists.

What is your basis for that assumption? Has BSA published any statement to that effect, or is that merely your recent experience?

@Bagheera that is what BSA is doing - your council registrar can answer better as communications probably are through them

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I would imagine most of us are fine with expired folks still being on the roster for a grace period.
Like Charles, I’m trying to figure out how long it’s going to take to get my rosters even remotely accurate. I was told by Council that at the turn of the new year, these would get fixed, but my rosters are still way off. ALL my scouts and adults in all 3 units were paid up 3-7 weeks ago, but they aren’t showing as paid/renewed. Some that have paid/renewed have disappeared out of some of the unit rosters (most of my scouts are multiple in the linked girls’ troop and/or in the crew). It’s getting in the way of registering for high adventure. I hope this isn’t something only Council can fix because I’ve been asking and waiting as patiently as I can. Does anybody have any insight or suggestions on what I can do?

Except for renewals that were not completed by the member or approved by the unit, issues can only be resolved by your Council.

If you had members pay for their renewal by a check instead of a credit card, your Council has to manually complete the renewal process.