Old+New Youth BSA ID = Advancement Merge Please

Parent created a second youth account accidently instead of renewing an existing BSA ID. Local council registrar attempted to merge the accounts, but none of the Wolf Cub’s achievements as a Lion or Tiger are showing in Scoutbook Plus. The Scout’s last name changed between accounts per divorce so maybe this caused some difficulty? The parent’s contact information is the same on both accounts.

141091611 is the new/active membership with this year’s advancements. Keep this as Primary.
140626653 is the old/expired ID and all the prior years’ advancements that need to be merged in.

Please and Thank you!


I’ll look into this


Before I merge these accounts, I suggest you generate a Cub Scout History Report for MID 140626653. You will need the last name attached to this MID.

When I merge the accounts, any partials on the old account will be lost. By generating the history report, you will have a record of partials and be able to add them back on the surviving account. Let us know when you have the report and we will proceed with merging them.

We don’t have Scoutbook access to old/expired MID 140626653 anymore. It fell off the roster when it wasn’t renewed. The last name on that was (removed). The kerfuffle happened after bridging from Tiger so no partials could have been finished from the prior year for advancement.

I have run the Cub Scout History Report for the new/current MID 141091611 and also manually recorded all current partials in current Wolf year for reentry, just in case.


From your legacy SB My Dashboard page, select Reports → CS History Report. Enter the old MID and last name to generate a report of what was recorded for this MID

Brilliant! Mark that under new things I learned today. That gave records for all adventures completed under the old MID. Report saved and I think we’re ready for merge.


The Scoutbook accounts are merged.

For future reference, if someone’s name changes, the Council can change the record so that a new MID is not generated. The system uses names and dates of birth to match accounts. Since her last name changed, a new Scoutbook account was generated.

Thank you so much! I figured it had something to do with the name change. As always, you’re fantastic and I appreciate all you do!

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