One parent 2 connected accounts on SB

I need help deleting duplicate account please where the “bad” parent connected adult account has the parent last name misspelled. The parent has already connected with the “good” account.

delete account:
BSA ID: 14486981

keep account: BSA ID 14495532

Thank you!

@LauraGunderman - if that parent had the completed link then your best bet is to contact the registrar and request that they remove that connection.

@LauraGunderman I have merged this user’s Scoutbook accounts.

I had to use BSA member ID number 14486981, because that is the one with her parent / child “relationship” to her child with first initial G.

Oh no! That is definitely the wrong one! That one had her name spelled wrong and She is connected to 2 scout sons thru the other one.

@LauraGunderman Please check again. She looks like she is correctly connected to both Scouts in Scoutbook.

Nvm …it’s working so thank you!

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Yes…all good! Thank you!!

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I have 3 accounts under my email address and my two scouts are not connected to both. I’m unable to renew my oldest scout’s membership at this time.

I am currently using and connected with account 136609931 but my oldest scout is not connected there. Another account that both my children are connected to is 136610013. I have a third that I’m not sure of the account number. Can these three accounts be merged?

@KatelynZuraff BSA member ID numbers cannot be merged, they can only be managed (Manage Member ID at my.Scouting). I have put your BSA member ID numbers ending in -931 and -013 under management at my.Scouting. The third BSA member ID number is superfluous.

Please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up your child with first initial “E.” Ask them to look in the “Relationships” tab / section and remove you as parent under your secondary BSA member ID number. Then they should add you as parent under your primary BSA member ID number, the one ending in -931. This will help to prevent future issues.

Thank you, Jennifer. This is helpful.

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