One Scout, Two different Accounts

I have a Scout that transferred into my Pack from another Council. His Scout account is listed under his Dad’s name, and then when he transferred to our Pack, a new Scout profile was created with the Scout’s name. They are different member IDs. The old profile has all his previous awards and badges, but I cannot approve anything new because that member number isn’t registered in our Council. How can I merge the two profiles, and keep all the history?


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I have a very similar issue, although the scout has the same name on both accounts. Is there a way to merge scouting accounts? I don’t want to have to manually update all his achievements in the new account.


Currently we do not have a way to merge advancements on 2 Scoutbook accounts. If this was a recent transfer from another council there may not be much that would have to be re-entered if we move his BSA Member ID to his old Scoutbook account.

I’ll send you a private message so we can get the data we need to investigate. Click the green circle with white D in the upper right corner of the forum window.

Hello, I am a Dad of a son who transferred Packs when we moved. Over the summer I had entered completion of many of his Webelos & Arrow of Light requirements. Last night I went to check his status, and all the reported requirements were missing. I asked his Pack/Troop leaders about it last night, and they said it probably has to do with the transfer of Packs. Any help with this issue would be greatly appreciated! Sincerely, Brian Payne

Did the transfer happen between councils? If so, your son would have been assigned as new BSA ID in the transfer. Depending on how the transfer paperwork was submitted (e.g. did it include the prior BSA ID), the Scoutbook account may not have been carried over. One of the folks from SUAC might be able to dig deeper with more detailed information about the accounts.

Thank you, Mr. Hamilton, for that rapid reply! Yes, the transfer was from the Pikes Peak Council to the Cornhusker Council. I would be happy to provide any information necessary to help us with this situation. Thanks again! Brian

Let’s see if anyone from @suac-admin is around. It’s getting close to the holidays, so the volunteers may already be with doing something other than hanging around the discussion group. I’m not actually part of SUAC, so I don’t have any behind-the-curtain access to Scoutbook.

Some getting started questions, I guess. I assume you’re still accessing Scoutbook using the same credentials (email/password) as you did before? When you look at My Dashboard → Administration → My Family → Scout’s Name → Scout’s Memberships, do you see the membership there from your son’s previous pack listed under Past Memberships? If not, that suggests that a new Scoutbook account might have been created for your son, rather than updating the existing one.

@BrianPayne2 Yes, I’d definitely like to hear the answer to this before getting in too deep.

Yes, I see his past membership in Pack 217 and his current membership in Pack 45, which started on Sep 9, 2019. What isn’t making sense is that in his progress areas I had entered multiple completions over this summer (Covid allowed us to get things done!), but somehow they’ve all disappeared. Sorry if redundant…just reiterating the main reason for posting. Thank you again for any and all help! Brian

Does the current membership list a den? Or just the pack? Cub Scout advancement is dependent on having a den to indicate what they are eligible to earn.

Hello Jacob, it shows Den 4, Pack 45. Thank you. Brian

OK. I’ll send you a private message to collect some information. Watch for a notification on the red B in the upper right corner.

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