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I have another adult trying to register using the online system and getting the same error as previous adults with multiple numbers.
Her primary with the current Council (GLAAC) is 137371108,
She was with a previous Council (WLAAC), and found following MID’s 13002002 and 13001993.
She also appears to have two My.Scouting Accounts.
This seems to be a common error and happens when they have multiple numbers for some reason. I tried to fix by having them log on and make sure the primary was the same, etc.
Have a good week.
I am having her try again, in case the system was being finicky after put all the MID’s and on the My.Scouting account, confirmed primary, etc. over the weekend.
If it doesn’t work, we will move over to the paper app.
She has 2 my.scouting.org IDs. Have her try registering by logging in to my.scouting.org with her google ID (use the Google login button). This my.scouting.org ID only has the one BSA Member ID recorded.
I believe we tried that originally. Then found the other my.scouting account, added the GLAAC MID to that one as primary too.
I will have her try again, I think she is at work. It may be a day before I get back to all.
Thank you
Two other things to try if you still get the error.
On the google ID my.scouting.account, fix the phone number so that it starts with 1 not 001.
On the other my.scouting.org ID, fix the phone number so that it is 10, not 7 digits.
Sadly she gave up and is going to submit a paper application. I am guessing we may still have issues since I am not sure she corrected the inconsistancies.