Pack 731 Admin role updates

I am the new cubmaster, but we haven’t figured out how to change/add access to parents in new roles. We have a new cubmaster (Kerry Lawson - pack admin), new den leaders (xxxxxx - wolf, xxxxxx-tiger), new advancement chair (pack admin - Xxxxxx), and new treasurer (xxxxxx - committee member, treasurer). Can these be updated, or can I have access to make these updates? Our current Pack admins have tried and haven’t been successful.
thanks, Kerry

@KerryLawson They need to be registered as adult leaders before you can give them more access in Scoutbook. The BSA does not consider Lion or Tiger Adult Partners as registered adult leaders (because YPT not required, no criminal background check, not approved by COR).


Thank you for the quick response. I’ll go back to the Committee Chair to figure out if and when the paperwork was submitted.


@KerryLawson - here is a good reference

@KerryLawson I don’t know if the new leaders filled out paper applications or not, but if so I highly recommend that someone write their current BSA member numbers. It might help reduce the possibility that a new BSA member number will be created.

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I suggest avoiding paper applications whenever possible. If allowed in your state and council, they’d log into with the same username that took YPT and apply their. Your COR or COR delegate would have to log in to approve them, though.

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