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I’m the Cubmaster for our pack and this week I’ve gone in to update/add advancements…and there’s been some weird changes…For some reason, when I go into internet advancement, it looks like it’s showing our pack as a Troop? Like the icon for the pack looks wrong etc…
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And then as I go into each Cub Scouts advancements, none of the program information shows up/is accessible to add those advancements. This is for all Cubs in our pack:
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Then…It shows I have items to approve. Yesterday it showed 56 items to approve. When I clicked on that approval, nothing comes up. Same thing today except now it’s only showing 2 approvals…that won’t load.
I don’t know if it is the cause of what you are seeing but your renewals for 2024-25 were not completed. It looks like they were entered into the system but they still have IsCurrent=No.
In addition, you have a pending registration as Cubmaster so you should not be listed as a Key 3 Delegate because CM is Key 3.
I recommend contacting your Council and getting your registrations fixed.