I have a parent who can access her account for her older son in another troop (as BSA member 135415928, keep this one) but cannot access the account with her younger son in my Den (as BSA member 13156950). Could we please get assistance?
@WalterBlank these numbers do not match up - please check them
It’s because the parent has 2 BSA member numbers (135415929 and 13156950), but 13156950 has been deleted.
That’s odd, I am able to view her profile (13156950) as the connected parent in her son’s profile…
By that, I mean that it does not appear deleted from what I can see. And her active account is not connected to her son in my Den.
The parent also had 2 Scoutbook accounts, which have been merged.
When she logs in, she needs to log in with her my.scouting username and password – not her e-mail address.
BSA Member IDs are deleted in Akela by the registrar merging two. If they don’t also merge Scoutbook accounts at the same time they merge MIDs, then Scoutbook will retain a deleted MID.
I will ask her to use the Forgot Password/Username function at login to try to retrieve her credentials. Will any further actions be required, other than consistently using the my.scouting username and password?
She should be good now.
I’ll let her know, thank you
I’m posting for a parent who can’t even log into my.scouting anymore to post for herself. Her son transferred and there were errors with her original account because it had her son’s birthdate and her email address. Our council also entered her email address wrong when entering info from a paper registration.
@JoyEricson this is fixed - the person has Goggle Log in turned on
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