Parent can’t connect to Scout

I have a parent (member 140621292) trying to connect to her Scout (user 13461615). Her invite was pending for 4 months so I resent the invite. She clicked the link, but had to go through the “forgot password” process. However, she never received an email to reset her password. Is there a way to help her access her account so she can connect?
Thanks in advance!

If they can log into Scoutbook they can go to My Account > My Connections > click the red text at the top to connect

Screenshot 2024-02-19 at 3.25.16 PM

or they can setup a account for themself and then do the above steps

Myst Account Setup.pdf (223.2 KB)

@BillieTriplett It looks like this parent has Apple sign in turned on.

I would recommend that you ask her to log in at my.Scouting first using the “Sign in with Apple” button, her Apple name, and Apple password. Then ask her to log in to Scoutbook the same way.

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