Parent can't connect to Scout

I sent a parent an invitation to connect to her scout. She got an invite with her login and a generated password. But it will not work. We have tried multiple times, but no luck, she can’t log in. Thanks for any help

What is happening? Is she getting an invalid password message or something else? Does she have an existing ID?

Can she try the forgot password link?

What kind of error message is she getting? Please give as many details as you can.

So when I sent her the invite to connect, she got this from ScoutBook. But when she tries to login using the information they sent her, it goes into a swirling death cycle with the pop up box telling her to use her information. She claims she doesn’t have an account there.

I bet she took YPT at some point and that created a My.Scouting.Org account. She can go to, and try the lost login, lost password route to recover that information. Or call 972-580-2489 (National help desk). They can figure it out.

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