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Hello! Have a parent who is unable to log in to Scoutbook, though I can see his account/profile. Says it gives him an error that the account is not set up.
I have a parent who can log into Scoutbook, but when she does she does not see her son. On his account, it shows her as a connection with the correct email address.
Scout’s Member ID is 134730341
This is fixed. The parent had 3 Scoutbook IDs and 2 my.scouting.org IDs. I have merged the IDs so she will have a single one of each. She needs to log in with her my.scouting.org ID that is her first name followed by the number 4149.
@GregoryStevenson I think we (SUAC) are going to have to escalate these, because both parents are missing a council number on their my.scouting accounts.