Parent Connection Unable to See Scout

I have a parent who is trying to log in and check their son’s advancement. When he logs in, he sees a few different warnings. The first a big warning at the top that says, “Warning: Your registration has expired. Please go to to renew your registration”. The other is the “Another user is using the same e-mail address” warning. He is also seeing a warning about his child’s registration being expired.

He shouldn’t have a registration that would’ve expired as a parent and his son is for sure registered in the Troop and shows as such in Scoutbook.

Where should I start when trying to unravel all this?

His ID: 110320891
Scout’s ID: 14170315

Grant Mullins

@GrantMullins This parent has 2 usernames (logins) at my.Scouting. He should log in with the one that is not an e-mail address.

Also, he should contact the local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up his children. In the “Relationships” tab / section, he should be removed as parent under his secondary BSA member ID number. Then they should add him as parent under his primary BSA member ID number: 140620446. This should help to prevent future issues.

I have one of the same problems. Replying here to avoid duplicate posts. I have a parent who gets “Your Registration has expired” when logging into SB. Parent has one child who has been in our troop for over a year and in Cub Scouts before that. No previous issues before today. Scout’s BSA ID is 135648520 and parent’s is 13216010. Thanks for any thoughts & help.

@JamesCoile Could you ask the parent to try again?

I have two parents who would like to be connected to Scout on Scoutbook. Father is connected, but Mother can’t complete her connection. Her info is in the system and I’ve pushed an invite out to her. Yet, when she responds to the Scoutbook invite, she gets the message: “Your connection request has been emailed to [Scout’s] parents. The request must be approved in 24 hours or you need to submit a new request.” Father isn’t getting any request for approval, so Mother is stuck. Can you please let me know how she should proceed?

@VictoriaSpataro If you post the BSA member ID number(s), we can take a look.

(No names, please)

141148393; 141185980. Thank you.

@VictoriaSpataro Please ask the mother to try logging in to Scoutbook again at:

Then she should log in to Scoutbook Plus at:

They have been logging in to the Scouting mobile app, but it has not been updated yet for the new Cub Scout program.

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