Parent with SB account not showing up in Connections search

Today’s issue: trying to add a parent to her scout using the scout’s Connections page. I know she has an active SB account (she sent me a screenshot of it) and I can find her connected to her daughter in the girls’ troop, but when I search on her to add her to her son’s Connections, the search doesn’t find her. I tried her first name, last name, full name, email address. I confirmed that I have these correct with her. Nothing comes up. Any ideas on how to pull her up so I can add her to her son? Thanks! Tanya

My guess is she’s in SB as a parent for the girls’ troop, but not our boys’ troop. How do I get her added as a parent for the boys’ troop?

You mostly likely will need the council registrar’s assistance to make the connection in the official membership database

SUAC may need the parent and Scouts BSA member ID numbers (no names) to check Scoutbook.

The search feature is broken right now. The developers are working on it.

It seems a lot is broken right now. How do we get a parent added to their scout then? Can our local council’s registrar do it?

The registrar can add a parent relationship in the membership system which should sync as a connection in Scoutbook. But it’s probably not worth the time to wait for them to do that.

So what’s the alternative if the search button is broken?


The alternative is wait for it to be fixed

What is the timeframe for it to be fixed? We’re about to make a big push to get our entire troop into it but likely shouldn’t do that until things are fixed.


Unfortunately, IT does not release that information.

How many scouts do you have without a parent connected at all?

Hi Jacob,

Good question. Is there any easy way for me to see how many scouts have no parent connected? This information isn’t easily visible in the roster without clicking into each scout individually. Also, does IT typically take a few days, weeks or months to fix things? There’s also the link in Edit Extended Info to connect the parent to the child that is broken. Any update on when that will be fixed? Thanks! Tanya

@TanyaSteinhofer go to roster > Click GEAR at top > click show parents

That’s not what that does. That allows the scout to have access to their own account. This was recently restored. Are you saying it’s still not working? What happens when a parent tries?

Thanks for the gear setting. I changed that and it looks like we have 8 scouts or so with no parents. Many of them are graduated or Eagle scouts, but there are a couple of newer ones. Should I just have our Council registrar connect them or wait for the search button to be fixed? Also, for testing the Edit Extended Info link, I need to wait until I’ve got a parent that hasn’t yet invited their scout to connect because when I go into my profile and my son’s account and click on Edit Extended Info for him, I no longer see that link because he has an active SB account. Is there another way to confirm that link is working again?


I am not sure councils could do that in SB > and even if they did in AKELA not sure if it would effect Scoutbook

The parent relationships in Akela are supposed to sync to scoutbook (but not the other direction).

@jacobfetzer yeah - they do at initial Member Update - but have not seen if scout is already in Unit in SB

Fair point. It’s rare that a relationship is added in Akela after initial registration. So, it’d be tough to see.

I agree it should be rare. However, from the number of comments that show up here, it seems like a lot of youth are missing a parent connection in Akela, and it only seems to get noticed when someone tries an online transfer. Might not be a large percentage of youth, but even 1% of 100000 scouts would be 1000 without the connection.

Yep, I agree. I was only saying that’s why Donovan and I haven’t observed it. On top of that, most of the parents that’d be added in Akela are already connected in Scoutbook.

We are attempting to confirm if it syncs or not.

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