Parent/Guardian Error

I have a former den leader listed under my son, Emmitt, as a parent or guardian. When I use the connections manager to reset permissions, it does not remove the former den leader. He is no longer with the pack and is not on the leader roster in Scoutbook or on the official roster on

How do I get rid of the connection to my son?

If listed as a Parent only a Council can solve that - I would suggest calling Council Registrar and asking them to use VST to remove the user as well as reporting them for making the connection

I have a Scout, BSA ID 135729321. His dad is also Den Leader in the Pack.
Dad is unable to get logged into Scoutbook.

When I look at the Scout’s parent connections, It show dad twice.
Member ID 3537607, which includes his email address.

The second time he is listed, when you go to Internet Advancement, it provides and error and doesn’t list any of his information.

He can not log into his Den and record and advancement requirements.
Please help!

@KristenKemp I have merged this user’s Scoutbook accounts.

Please ask the user to try logging in again. He has sign in with Google turned on, so he needs to click on the “Sing in with Google” button, his Google name, and Google password.

He showed me that he can do that. When he does, he only sees his son. Does not see his den.

@KristenKemp - is he logging into or using the red scouting app ?

@KristenKemp He is logging in at my.Scouting – not Scoutbook.

Please ask him to log in to Scoutbook using this url:

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He’s tried both.
Can’t log in

App, he can only see his kid

@KristenKemp - on the app he will ONLY see his child as that is how it is designed.

@KristenKemp Has he tried after I merged his Scoutbook accounts? I only merged them about 30 minutes ago.

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The leader is not in the pack anymore, not listed as a leader or a parent in our roster on Scoutbook, and is not listed on our active roster in He only shows up under my son’s connections list. If I look at the profile on there is no connection to my son.

This appears to only be a connection issue in Scoutbook.

@WilliamGockman council can clear wrong parent connections in Scoutbook

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