Parent has email mismatch in Scoutbook and IA

We have a parent with 3 scouts. Her email address is correct in IA and is correct for one of her scouts in Scoutbook but it is incorrect for her other 2 scouts in Scoutbook.

How can we update her email address in Scoutbook? She is missing troop info.

BSA ID is 125881167.

@JonathanDavito Is the bad e-mail the one with an extra “i”?

Yes it is. Thank you.

@JonathanDavito Ask her to please use her my.scouting username when logging in from now on – not her e-mail address.

Please contact your local council and ask them to use their Registrar Tools to look up her children. In the “Relationships” section, she should be listed as parent only under BSA 125881167. They should remove her if she is listed as parent under any other BSA member numbers. Otherwise, her BSA member numbers might get switched at Recharter, and this could result in the creation of another Scoutbook account.

Thank you. I will pass on this information.

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