Parent has two accounts with different BSA ids causing issues with linking to scouts account

The parent says

I’ve been trying to figure out Scoutbook today and I think I have two memberships. When I logged in this time, the site forced me to link my Membership ID (xxx) to my account.
Now the troop roster has me twice:

I have tried to link their other (newer BSA id) account to their scout and was unsuccessful in getting the search to find them!

Please help

I have several parents in my troop with this issue. From what I understand, when you do YPT, it generates a membership number and when you register, the council generates a separate number. I have not yet resolved this due to a lack of time, but I have chosen the profile with the generated number since this is the one that shows training complete. Not sure if this helps, but this is where I am so far. I will let you know if I find out more.

The main thing here is ALWAYS search for parents or any leader by email first. Often it is easiest to control this with connections and isolating them to one Scoutbook user. But if you need help figuring it out tag @suac-admin in a response and we will contact you.

It could also be the other way around: the parent has a member number from their time as a Lion/Tiger adult partner. Then, they create an account in my.scouting to take YPT without even knowing they have a member ID already. When they go to register as a leader, the registrar correctly gives them their original ID from the adult partner role.

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