Two Accounts, Same BSA #

I have an adult parent/leader in our unit. She has a working account as a parent, and another as an adult leader. The leader account says she has not connected etc. Her parent account seems to be ok.
Her BSA ID # 130922166 is the same for both accounts, but I cannot figure how to fix the leader account. She has an active YPT, but the BSA ID# on that certificate is # 133846370. I think she just started another account?

What can I do to get her account fixed. It has been messed up for awhile and this has happened before.

Thank you in advance.!!

It appears she has two accounts…I just found another YPT with the correct BSA # on her IA profile for her Son, nothing on her IA account as a leader.

@MarkCorbett this is fixed

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