Parent Information not attached to Scout's Profile within Scoutbook

We have a new scout that completed registration online recently and their profile was automatically created on Scoutbook. However, when looking at this new scout’s profile, it appears as if their Parent’s information was not ported over from their registration info, as follows below:

Additionally, I attempted to “Add Parent” within the scout’s profile on Scoutbook, but received a notice saying that an adult record exists in the system with the same first and last name (Jayne Zamora) when I tried to create parent record. But then when attempting to search for that name for existing adult records, the search returns no results.

2nd Issue: I noticed that “School_Name” was captured on the application, as shown here:

However, the School Name was not added/ported over to the scout’s “Extended Information” on Scoutbook. I manually added the School Name this morning.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you!

This issue is related to recent Scoutbook/my.scouting sync issues discussed here: New Scouts Missing From Scoutbook

@TimothyFry please do not post others (Especially youth) personal information to an Open Forum on the Internet.

I apologize, I thought this was a secured forum.

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