Parent invitations do not contain links

I have a whole den of lions that I can not get parents connected to their scouts. I have one parent that sent me the email that she received and there is no link. I did send invite again the next day and still no link. Is there still a glitch? I see that another person was having issues like this in May.

I have seen this happen with individual email security

Have them try to forgot password link

What email providers are they - is there any consistency?

It doesn’t look like there is any consistency 2 gmails are yes and 2 no, 3 yahoo are no and 1 yes, one hotmail is no.

I’m not sure how to do that. This is what one parent received.

The parent goes to, then clicks the link that says “Login”. In the login pop-up, have them click “Forgot password or my.scouting username” just below the red login button. Have them use the email address where they received the invitation as the email address requested in the resulting dialog box.

I removed the image since it contains some full names. As @CharleyHamilton said, they’d click it on

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