Parent/Leader Merge Request

Can you please merge the following accounts?
Member ID: 13054703
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

Also just noticed this issue. Within MSO another scouter is listed as:
Member ID
Within Scoutbook the same user is listed as and under this one he has the yellow triangle
SB User ID:
BSA Member ID:

@JamesSoltysiak I have merged this user’s Scoutbook accounts. His primary BSA member ID number is: 134960104

However, he has 2 usernames (logins) at my.Scouting:

One is an e-mail address
The other has Google sign in turned on

Which one would he like to keep? We can retire the other one.

@JamesSoltysiak I can do a temporary fix for this user, but he is registered as a MBC in 2 different councils.


Thank you. I have sent an email to the first person and will let you know his answer. I know the second person originally came from CA and I think he still has affiliations with a CA troop that he visits during the summer. Not sure if that is where the second council is or whether it is ones close to us. I know it took a long time to get him registered within our council as a merit badge counselor, maybe a mistake was made in the process.

@JamesSoltysiak I have set the second one to BSA 12068652 and Baltimore Area Council.

Your council probably had a hard time, because his Scoutbook account was set to the other BSA number or had the wrong council number.

The first person said he would rather use the account with the Google sign in turned on. Thank you.

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@JamesSoltysiak He should be all set now.

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