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We have a parent of one of our scouts not getting emails. She has never logged into scoutbook, yet when I go to send message next to her name it says No Emails and therefore we cannot include her in email communications. She is questioning why she is not getting any. How would this be the case of the user have never logged in to disable emails? I cannot see anything wrong in her profile and her email address is correct.
It’s easy enough for her to fix if she can log in. She goes to My Dashboard → Administration → My Account → Email and slide the opt-out toggle at the top to the left, and she should be able to receive Scoutbook emails again.
If she can’t log in, she might have to create a my.scouting.org account to recover her password. @SUAC?
@DavidLunsford user has opted out - but they have Google login on so should be able to click Google login get in > go to my account > email > turn off the opt out