This may be an isolated issue, but my connection to my child was removed in SB and SB+. It was not done by the other parent (my spouse). I am a Pack admin and key 3 in the unit. I had removed myself as an assigned leader to my child’s den in the new den editor function under the roster in SB+ this week exploring another issue and then added myself back as an assigned leader. A couple days later I noticed that my connection as a parent to my child in the Pack was removed and it only lists my spouse as a parent in the system. My other two children in a Scouts BSA troop and Venturing Crew were not affected. I will get reconnected as a Parent to my Cub Scout, but wanted to pass along that issue since it appears to be connected to the system doing something rather than an admin’s actions.
@AndrewPlatte I see you connected to 3 as parent - is that the correct number? if you re-established the connection what BSA # Scout was dropped?
SB and SB+ only show 2 connections, but it should be 3. The BSA ID of the one that is not being displayed or was dropped is 137300344
OH I bet I know the issue - just a sec
yeah it dropped the parent position but kept the parent connection to HP - this was reported last week
is the parent checkbox not checked in connection
Thanks for the information! Do I need to reconnect the parent position or will this be automatically fixed later?
Parent is not checked in connections
if you go to scout > Connections > click your name > is the parent checkbox still checked? Just tell me, leave as is so Devs can see it for me and we can fix after that
I will leave it as is until told to do something different
I will send you a direct message > look at top right Avatar to find it > it will be a green envelope > it will be a private message channel with select members of the Scoutbook User Advisory Council (SUAC)
You can fix Friday morning - that will give enough time for data
I will do it after Friday! Thanks for the information.
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